Ashford - Volunteer Centre Befriending Service

Please ring 01233 665535.

Our service provides a regular visitor to help relieve social isolation and reduce loneliness by providing the company of a volunteer befriender who will visit on a weekly basis for a chat and a cup of tea, maybe play a board game or go for a walk. Volunteers DO NOT carry out personal care, shopping, household chores or a sitting service.  

The service is for older persons who live in their own homes, who for various reasons find themselves housebound with a few or no visitors, and covers Ashford Town and rural areas of the borough north of Hamstreet. 


As the service is in demand, the following criteria are applied to ensure resources are provided to those most in need, and priority is given to referrals of people who:

  • Are over 50 years of age
  • Are housebound
  • Live alone
  • Do not receive regular visits from family or relatives
  • Not in residential, nursing care or sheltered accommodation
  • Have no history of violence/abusive behaviour